I have to ask...
What scene / situation is this piece from in the game?
I have to ask...
What scene / situation is this piece from in the game?
Battery Park...the third or fourth stage in the game where the subway station with the hostages are
Time to bump this one UP
As F-777 said, this wrapped me up too, and it's not hard to see why he faved it. not many pieces make me start to tear up anymore, but this one did.
wow.. im glad to have made some impact on people ^^
thanks allot for ur review and uplifting words^^
This will be super interesting!
I'm starting to be glad that Winamp and some other converters have a sigle file mode.
Tell me, will these epesodes link seamlessly to form the megamix or will they be individual songs that sound a lot alike but sound really good in order on the same playlist?
They will link =). I think its a cool idea =D!
Thanks for the review i really appreciate it!
This may be either your best or second best. I don't think I've listened to all your stuff yet. Do you give lessons?
No not even close to my best =). Im glad you liked it though!
As for lessons im trying to put tutorials together for youtube.
Thanks for the review!
Another fine addition!
Yes, it defenatly needs an extention. How soon do you think you'll be doing that? 5 mins is good XD
AHH!!! This is great!!!
Quick! Make it on your CDM CD while not many PPL have it downloaded!!!
But in all seriousness, the song has a very fitting name for how it sounds. Awsome addition to your library!
Wow thanks so much!!!
Wow, this is a really nice piece of work. This is gonna be one close contest!
hihi hell yeah
I think I might cry this is so good! ;_;
I aprreciate the review so much!!!! woot glad you loved it
Bordom is a wonderful thing
So, misery finds good company these days. today it's insperation.
Nice track! hopefully you can be bored and restless like this again =)
haha thanks! im sure there will be plenty more:P
Great beat!
Despite the heavy orchestral theme (which in my opinion is the best part) it sounds more like a trance to me. but what do I know? <<((sweatdrop))>>
Great track all the same ^_^
Coulda been trance if it had a 4-4 beat, but it's too downtempo and the beat is too choppy. ;)
Thank you!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 5/10/05